B.Ed Practical File | B.Ed Assignment | B.Ed File | B.Ed Practical Files and Assignments in English | B.Ed Files and Assignment in Hindi
Hello Friends, If You Are Searching For The Best Collection Of B.Ed Practical Files, Assignments, Project Files, Lesson Plan File, School Internship Report, And Observation Files, Then You Are In The Right Place.
Here You Can Find And Easily Download The PDF Of All The Practical File For B.Ed 1st Year, 2nd Year, And All Semesters In Both English And Hindi Medium.

With The Help of These Files and Assignments, You Will Be Able To Know How To Make a B.Ed Practical File?. The Download Link Is Given Below.
- B.Ed 1st And 2nd Year Practical Files PDF In English
- BEd First and Second Year File PDF in Hindi
- Download Images and Charts Collection for Practical Files and Assignment
- Lesson Plan File for B Ed Students
- B.Ed Books And Notes PDF With Short Examination Notes
- B-Ed Previous Year and Sample Papers
- Check B.Ed Practical And Projects Files Online
- Buy BEd Project Copy of All Subjects with Pictures Online at Lowest Price
Not Only Practical File But Here You Can Also Download The Free PDF Notes for B-Ed, Books and Previous Year Question Papers, And Lesson Plan File Of All The Teaching Subjects of B.Ed Like English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Sanskrit, Biological Science, Physical Science, Computer, Economics, Commerce, Home Science.
We Have Also Suggested And Provided Best Books For Book Review In B.Ed Which You Can Also Check.
The Links to Download These B. Ed File Are Given Below
Note: There Are Multiple B.Ed Practical File Note Books Given In The Links. You Can Check All The Practical Files And Choose One Which Is Similar To Your Curriculum and Syllabus. Or You Can Select Topics From All The Files Make Your B.Ed Practical File And Assignment Better.
B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year Practical File in English PDF
B.Ed Assignment in English Free Download PDF
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11 | School-Based Activities ( SBA) - B.Ed School Internship and Observation File |
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13 | Collection of [Top 100] Best Books for Book Review in English |
B.Ed Year 1 and 2 Practical File in Hindi PDF
B.Ed Assignments in Hindi Free Download PDF | बी.एड प्रैक्टिकल फाइल | बी.एड असाइनमेंट | बीएड फाइल्स इन हिंदी
About B.Ed Practicals
BEd Is A Teacher Training Course For 2 Years Basically, In Which The Student Teachers Have To Prepare Lots Of Practical Files And Assignments Of Their Teaching Subjects.
It Is Not Easy To Find All The Practical And Project Material For B.Ed Course Online. Here We Have Provided All Assignment Reports and Files PDF for Free for Various Practical Subjects Like
- Reading and Reflecting on Texts
- Critical Understanding Of ICT
- Drama and Art in Education
- Understanding the Self
- School-Based Activities (SBA)
- Observation and Internship Report
- Arts and Crafts in Education
- Action Research
These Sample Files Are Specially Designed According to The Latest Syllabus Of All the B.Ed Colleges and Universities. Some of Them Are:
- CRSU (Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University)
- MDU (Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak - Haryana)
- KUK (Kurukshetra University)
- Lovely Professional University (LPU)
- Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
- Jamia Millia Islamia University
- Lady Irwin College
- University of Delhi (DU)
- GD Goenka University
- University of Calicut, Kerala
- Lady Shri Ram College for Women
- St Xavier's College of Education
- Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCS)
- CDLU (Chaudhary Devi Lal University)
B.Ed First Years Practical File | BEd 1st Year Files | B.Ed Second years Files and Assignments | BEd 2nd Year Files Free download PDF | bedpracticalfile
These Practical Files Will Provide A Lots Of Help To All The B.Ed Students Of Any College Or University.
B.Ed Lesson Plans Practical File In English Medium
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B.Ed Lesson Plan Practical Files in Hindi
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About B.Ed Practical Files Subjects
Action Research Project File for B.Ed Students
Action Research, according to Corey, the originator of the term, is the research undertaken by practitioners so that they may improve their practices. It helps practitioners to perceive understand and assess the situation, and it further facilitates a systematic analysis and working out plausible reasons, for the unsatisfactory condition.
Action Research in B.Ed
Action Researchproject has become an integral part of current B.Ed practical files. The university with the inculcation of action research in B.Ed. the syllabus has made the course more effective and efficient with the knowledge of this discipline of research. The student-teachers would be able to solve the problem arising in their practice field in the near future very easily and make their practice field more conductive.
Achievement Test Report for B.Ed
What is Achievement Test?
An achievement test is a test aimed to get the data about the students’ knowledge or capability in one subject. An achievement test is also a test that can identify the students’ strength and weaknesses in one subject
Achievement Test Report in B.Ed
Achievement Test Report is another important component of today’s B.ed Course and B.Ed practical file.
Critical Analysis of Syllabus and Textbookin B.Ed
Syllabus and Textbook analysis has also been included in modern B.Ed course. A good syllabus is a resource for students. It should, at the very least, offer suggestions to assist students in pursuing topics that interest them, but it can also serve as a reference, a field outline to which they can refer long after they have finished our course.
Case Study Report for B.Ed Internship Programme for B.Ed
What is Case Study?
A case study is an intensive, holistic description and analysis of a single social unit such as an individual, a group, an institution, or a community. It is necessary to perform a case study in order to find out problems existing among the students in an educational institution.
In B.Ed internship program those who do not want to conduct action research they can submit a Case study report.
Lesson Plan File in B.Ed
B.Ed practical files are incomplete without lesson plans. A lesson plan is the brief outline of the lesson that one teacher is supposed to teach. It is the blueprint of the lesson. The lesson plan is a means to achieve an end. It helps the teacher to conduct the class smoothly. Without a lesson plan, a teacher can’t complete his/her lesson.
School Internship Report for B.ed
What is School Internship Report?
School internship is an important part of the Teacher’s Training Program. It is an integral part of total B.Ed. course, as well as B.Ed practical files and 250 marks, are allotted for the internship program. An internship program is a period of work experience for a limited period of time.
B.Ed Practical Files💁Hello Friends, If You Want To Contribute To Help Other Students To Find All The Stuff At A Single Place, So Feel Free To Send Us Your Notes, Assignments, Study Material, Files, Lesson Plan, Paper, PDF Or PPT Etc. - 👉 Upload Here
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pls provide science and math practical files sir
ReplyDeletewe will upload maths lesson plan file soon
ReplyDeleteHame BHI chahiye
DeleteHow to download maths lesson plan pdf
DeletePlease upload the question paper of BEd. 2 nd yearjune 2018 of CRSU Jind
ReplyDeleteB.Ed question papers of 2018 session has been uploaded.
DeleteB.Ed 2018 Question papers
DeleteHi please provide maths and science practical files
ReplyDeletePlease help any one for economics notes for session 2018-2020
ReplyDeleteplease upload science files
ReplyDeletePlease upload mathematics file in hindi
Deletekindly upload science file also.....
ReplyDeleteplz provide CCE practical material
ReplyDeletehi dear.. I have uploaded some CCE practical file matter pdfs
DeletePlease provide english and sosoci scscien lesson plan in hindi
ReplyDeleteI have uploaded english and social science lesson plans .. dear..
DeleteSocial Studies Lesson Plan in Hindi
DeletePlease provide english and social science lesson plans
ReplyDeletePlease upload school based activities file
ReplyDeletePlease upload economics lesson plan file in English
ReplyDeletehi dear... I have started uploading economics micro, macro and real teaching lesson plans in English medium .. please check Economics Lesson Plans
DeletePlease upload some science lesson plans in English medium that would be a great help for us.
ReplyDeleteplease provide social science practical file in english
ReplyDeletehi dear.. social studies lesson plans for middle and high school are now available. this is the link - Social Science and Social Studies Lesson Plans in English
DeletePlease provide the biological sciences lesson plan as soon as possible with the mega and real teaching plan
ReplyDeletePlease provide economics and commerce practical file matter
ReplyDeleteeconomics and commerce file material is now available
DeletePlease provide economics file
ReplyDeletePlz provide bed urdu syllabus
ReplyDeleteFor mdu
MDU B.Ed urdu syllabus This is the link for mdu urdu b.ed syllabus dear, but this is for session 2015-2017, I must say that you should confirm from the university whether it is also valid for current session or not.
DeleteHey! Sir pls provide hindi lesson plans
ReplyDeleteYes Dear, Hindi lesson plans will be uploaded soon
DeleteHindi Lesson Plans.. Both Micro and Macro are now available .. Hindi Lesson Plans
DeleteHello friends, thanks for giving your valuable feedback and response, currently I have no economics, commerce, and biological science lesson plans. but whenever I have, I will upload. If anyone of you have then please share it with us to help my all friends here. You can mail us on onlineclassroomblog@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMain b.ed mud se kar rahi hu. Mere pass first year me Hindi aur social science tha main subject. To ab second year me mujhe particul files Hindi aur social science ki dono banani ha ya sirf Hindi ki file banani ha..
ReplyDeleteha dear... aapko apna dono teaching subjects hindi or social science ki lesson plan file banani padegi B.Ed 2nd year me.
DeletePlease upload economics lesson plans.. .
ReplyDeletePlz upload B ed second year commerce file of ccsuniccs university
ReplyDeleteMicro 5 and mega 5 stop 20 bed practical file in PDF
ReplyDeletesir b.ed biological science practical nots uplabdh krwaye
ReplyDeletesir b.ed ka biological science ka practical file uplabdh kre sir
ReplyDeletebiological science Lesson Plans of B.Ed are Now available Biology Lesson Plans
DeleteSir b.ed scout file upload kariye plz
ReplyDeletePlease upload commerce lesson plans
ReplyDeletePlease upload lesson plan for micro teaching for mathematics of all skills.....couldnt find them..!! 😢
ReplyDeletehi dear.. I have started uploading micro teaching lesson plans of mathematics.. Please Check
DeleteThanku sir.you provide us such a good hand made material.
ReplyDeletethank you for your consideration
DeleteHello friends.. Economics Lesson Plans are now available .. please check the link Economics Lesson Plans
ReplyDeleteteaching of commerce lesson plans both micro and macro or real teaching are now available.. this is link - Commerce Lesson Plans
ReplyDeleteDear All, thanks for your patience and being continuously connected with us.. biological science, life science or natural science lesson plans for B.Ed will be available today.. The link is - Biology / Life Science Lesson Plans
ReplyDeleteSir please provide school based activity file for b.ed
ReplyDeletePls send lesson plan of sanskrit
ReplyDeletesubject for b.ed second year
Plzz provide SBA file
ReplyDeleteSir please provide the practicum for epc2 "prepare a script of bhavai based on some socio political issues" in English
ReplyDeleteSir please provide B.Ed 2 year notes and practical file.... This will b very beneficial for us.... Thanks and regard
ReplyDeleteHi plz upload HC 7 and HC 8 assignments also
ReplyDeletePlz provide lesson plan on data handling
ReplyDeletePlzz provide lesson plans for all microteachibg skills
ReplyDeletePlz provide cce and test management in computer science
ReplyDeleteSir pls upload discussion lesson of social study and english
ReplyDeleteI need 2nd year intership PDF file ignou
ReplyDeleteWhere is unit plans
ReplyDeleterequired art n drama in education file. kindly upload. I am pursuing b.ed. from mdu. i am unable to find my topics in the already uploaded files.
ReplyDeleterequired in english. thanks
ReplyDeleteCcsu meerut ki b.ed 2nd year ka lesson plan
ReplyDeletePlease upload lesson plan of biological sciences as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteSir please send I want practical file for physical science in Hindi
ReplyDeleteHome science ki pratical file mil sakti ha 2nd year ki kya hindi mein pls jawab jrur dena
ReplyDeleteSir please upload physical science practical file.... In English
ReplyDeleteSir plz pedagogy of physical science Or math ka assignment bna do b.ed first year ke lia hindi medium ke lia. Ma crsu university se hoo
ReplyDeletePlease upload MEd practical files
ReplyDeletePlease upload MEd practical files
ReplyDeleteSir plz provide me english and computer practical file and lesson plan b.ed 2nd yr
ReplyDeletePlease upload asignment file
ReplyDeleteon gender,school and society
B.Ed file social science and home science ke file delaye
ReplyDelete12th all manth asaiment bhej dijiyega sir esi email address me
ReplyDeletePlease provide science teaching methods in hindi
ReplyDeletePlzz provide me action research file on problems during online teaching in covid 19
ReplyDeletePlease send me the practical file of ICT ,the teacher teaching online classes
ReplyDeletedear sir please send b.ed first year pracical file on my whatsaap no 7073547439
ReplyDeletedear sir please send b.ed first year pracical file on my whatsaap no 7073547439
ReplyDeletePlzzzz sir provide me action research file on problem during studies and online studies in pandemic
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon sir please send physical science assimant in hindi for b.ed 1 st year on my whatsapp number 9119137598
ReplyDeleteplease upload knowledge and curriculum practical.....
ReplyDeleteDraft a list of interview questions for higher secondary school students focussing on
ReplyDeletetheir academic problem & mention the process of conducting the interview.
Can i get this?
Hey I'm doing b.ed form Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly can you please uplod Two teaching methods (computer and blackboard file.
ReplyDeletePlease provide life science and English practical files for Punjabi university patiala
ReplyDeleteplz upload political science lesson plan in hindi for punjabi university patiala
ReplyDeletePlz provide unit plans of social scinece
ReplyDeleteInternal assessment topic kese download kre
ReplyDeletePlease upload b.ed 1st year physical science lesson plan
ReplyDeletePlease sir language across curriculum practical file work for bed 1 year in hindi
ReplyDeletekindly upload punjabi file please
ReplyDeleteBed 1st year ke epc1 file ke topic bta denge kya
ReplyDeletePLZZ upload practical of biology
ReplyDeletePlease give me commerce lesson plan of b. Ed for 3rd sem
ReplyDeletePsychological test file
ReplyDeleteEducation physiology practical file work
ReplyDeletePost a Comment
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