B.Ed Practical File Pics and Charts Collection

B.Ed Practical File Pics and Charts Collection

Finding pics and images for B.Ed Practical Files of year 1 and 2 is very difficult. Here you can find all the Pictures, Charts and Images which are useful in Making B.Ed Practical Files. If you are looking for some pics for B.Ed practical files, projects and assignments like reading and reflecting on texts, ICT in Education, Drama and arts in Education, School-based activities, and Understanding the Self, etc. This is the right place. Here you can find the Best Collection of Pics for B.Ed Files and Assignments Which will be very helpful for both Hindi and English Medium Students.

More than 500 pics Collection 

The Links for Images is Given below.

By simply clicking on the links given above, you can see all the images of different practical subjects. The Link to download all these Images is Given at the end of each post. The photos and pictures and in Zip Format which you can easily extract. 

If you want some more images then please Give your views in the comment box.

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Please Share your views and suggestions in the comment box

  1. Plz send b.ed sec year lesson plan
    chart link

  2. Plz send b.ed 2nd yr chart

  3. Pls sent me social science

  4. Subject wise Summary Charts much needed for Revision

  5. Please provide notes for knowledge language and curriculum and provide assignment

  6. Please provide subject based assignment

  7. Please send bed 1 st year lesson plan link

  8. Please send me samples of 3rd semester b. Ed language teaching practicum and assignment

  9. The practical file and the way of presentation is awesome but I also need accounts practical file PDF . So pls upload lesson plans of account.............

  10. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Can anyone share micro teaching closure and blackboard writing skill for economics (money/Unemployment /Poverty) lesson plan for micro teaching .Please
    thanks a lot

  11. sir mai ye janna chahta kisi school.ki or teacher ki upar jo file bnaee jati uski main headings kya kya rhengi plzz help kr dijiye

  12. History ka lesson plan bhejo plz sir

  13. Hindi ke lesson plan for b.ed kurukshetra univ

  14. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Can I get geography assignment 2nd semester b.ed

  15. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Can I get geography assigment

  16. Anonymous11:05 PM


  17. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Pliz send unit plan proforma in english


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