PEDAGOGY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE | Teaching of Biological Science | Pedagogy of Biology | Teaching of Biology
The science which deals with the study of living objects is called Biology. Thus, the subject involves the studies of all kinds of micro-organisms, plants and animals.

Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, identification, and taxonomy.
Biology literally means "the study of life".
Though biology involves the study of life, nowadays it is mostly centralized with the study of
- Agriculture,
- Animal husbandry,
- Health and microbiology and related branches.
Today study of any branch of biological science is not possible in isolation as it also involves principles of physics, chemistry, and various other branches.
- In a progressive forward-looking society, Biology can play a truly liberating role, helping people out of the vicious circle of poverty, ignorance, and superstition.
- Biology, tempered with wisdom, is the surest and the only way to human welfare.
- Acquisition of knowledge and understanding
- Development of skills
- Development of scientific attitude
- Development of thinking abilities
- Nurturing curiosity
- Nurturing creativity
- Nurturing aesthetic sense
- Development of Problem-solving skill
LearningClassesOnline B.Ed Notes
- The knowledge gained through biological science is much more useful in guiding our lifestyle.
- The study of biological science provides us the opportunity of developing our mental faculties.
- Biological Science develops our personality as a whole.
- It inculcates the spirit of inquiry, seriousness, and systematic thinking.
- It brings about the total transformation of one’s viewpoint.
- Biological Science not only develops our culture but also helps in preserving it.
- Biological Science helps us to utilize our leisure purposefully.
- Biological Science makes a man a useful citizen.
- Biological Science has opened vast vistas of vocations.
- The study of Biological science fulfills the psychological needs of man and helps in the evolution of natural curiosity.
- With the knowledge of science, we learn to think logically and solve a problem.
- Biological Science helps to learn about how the earth functions, and how to make use of natural resources.
- Utilitarian Value
- Intellectual Value
- Disciplinary Value
- Cultural Value
- Moral Value
- Aesthetic Value
- Social Value
- Vocational Value
- Psychological Value
Planning is essential in any sort of activity and more so when a teacher is going to a classroom for teaching a subject.
Before going to the classroom, the teacher has to select the appropriate method for teaching the topic and also the proper teaching aid which will help the learner to understand the concepts in the topic. This is sometimes called planning the strategy.
Lesson Plan
In the words of Lester B. Stands. “A lesson plan is actually a plan of action. It includes the working philosophy of the teacher, his knowledge of philosophy, his knowledge about students, objectives, material to be taught and his ability to utilize effective methods.”
Components of a Lesson Plan
Teachers should follow specific steps in writing lesson plans.
- Preparation or Introduction
- Presentation
- Comparison or Association
- Generalization
- Application
- Recapitulation
“A unit may be defined as a means of organizing materials for instructional purposes which utilizes significant subject matter content, involve pupils learning activities through active participation intellectually and physically and modifies the pupil’s behavior to the extent that he is able to cope with new problems and situations more competently”. H.C. Morrison
What is a Unit?
A unit is a large subdivision of subject matter with a common fabric of knowledge. The unit is not just blocks of subject matter but is composed of both method and content.
Steps in Unit Planning
- Content analysis (the What of the unit)
- Objectives with specifications (the Why of the unit)
- Learning activities (the How of the unit)
- Testing procedures (evidence of achievement)
The taxonomy of educational objectives is intended to provide the classification of goals of our educational systems. The idea of classification of educational objectives was given by Dr. Benjamin S Bloom of Chicago University USA.
He classified educational objectives into three main areas or domains called:
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Psychomotor
- Objective Type test item
- True – False Items
- Multiple-choice Test Items
- Matching Type Test Item
- Short Answer Type
- Essay Type
Teaching includes all the activities of providing education to others. The person who provides education is called the teacher.
Teaching skill is a group of teaching acts or behaviors intended to facilitate student’s learning directly or indirectly.
- Introducing
- Explaining
- Questioning
- Skill of closure
- Skill of Reinforcement
- The skill of varying the stimulus
It is a teaching training technique for learning teaching skills. It employs a real teaching situation for developing skills and helps to get deeper knowledge regarding the art of teaching.
A mini-lesson is a basic precursor to a bigger or broader topic. It is a short lesson that can be taught in just a few minutes, but it can benefit the students in lessons to come.
Method refers to the way of delivering knowledge and transmitting scientific skills by a teacher to his pupils. Methods of teaching biological science can be classified into two types:
- Teacher –centered
- Pupil Centered
Categories of “Teaching Methods”
We shall deal with some of the commonly used methods of teaching Biological science. Generally teaching methods can be categorized as follows:
- Lecture method
- Demonstration method
- Team-teaching
- Laboratory method
- Project method
- Peer Tutoring
- Individual activities
- Experiential method
- Teacher-guided learning
- Problem-solving method
- Whole class interactive learning
- Student seminar
- Group Discussion
- Mixed-ability grouping
- Newspaper
- Magazines
- Journal
- Biological Science Encyclopedias
- Tape Recorder
- DVDs/CDs
- Pictures
- Flashcard
- Charts
- Posters
- Photograph
- Models
- Radio
- Television
- Internet
- Multimedia
- Interactive Whiteboard
- Zoological gardens
- Botanical garden
- Eco-Park
- Aquarium
- Biological Science exhibition/fair
- Fieldtrip
Textbooks are the most widely used of all instructional materials. Now a day’s textbook has become a course of study.
A good text-book can even replace classroom teaching. The biological science text-book should aim at aiding the pupils in the development of their personalities, in developing open-mindedness, developing appreciation and understanding of nature, and not merely stuffing their minds with facts.
- Enthusiastic about teaching students the subject matter.
- Treats students with respect and designs curricula to meet the needs of all students.
- Relates subject matter to students' lives.
- Sets an example of integrity inside and outside the classroom.
- Stresses concept learning rather than rote memory.
- Teaches students how to learn, analyze, and think critically.
- keeps up-to-date on the subject matter.
- Maintains competence in the life science fields.
- Teaches useful lab techniques and lab safety.
- Creates an exciting classroom atmosphere.
- Acquires up-to-date equipment for laboratory work.
- Joins committees to improve the school, department, himself/herself.
- Generates new and exciting ideas for students to think about.
- Encourages students to ask questions about the lesson.
- Maintains a safe and clean classroom laboratory.
- Knows how to administer first aid in case of accidents.
Author Remarks:
PEDAGOGY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE ( Pedagogy of Biology) Is A Subject Taught In B.Ed And In Some Other Teaching Courses Also. In This Page, You Will Find Teaching of Biological Science (Teaching of Biology) Short Examination Notes And Downloadable Free PDF Book In English Medium For B.Ed First Year And Second Year and Semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Here We Have Covered Some of The Main Topics and Important MCQ Questions of Teaching of Biological Science (Teaching of Biological Science) Which Will Really Help in Your Exam Preparation and Also You Can Make Your Assignment Report and File for BEd Very Easily with The Help of These Notes. These Notes and Free PDF Book on Pedagogy of Biology Subject Will Be Helpful for All the Students and Teachers of Any College or University. We Have Also Suggested Some of the Best Reference Books for Teaching of Biology That you can Also Go Through. Students and Teachers Preparing for All The Teaching Exams Like CTET, TET, UPTET, HTET Can Also Learn With The Notes Provided Above.
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