Institutional Planning ( What, When, Where, and How?)

What is Institutional Planning?
Human society has been dealing with complexities in its everyday affairs. The nature of complexities has been widened and becoming more profound as society is becoming more and more mature.
To deal with complexities, society has to act in an organized manner. The organized approach of the society and its various other elements is intentional and pre-planned. The pre-planned nature of social movements can be labeled as institutional planning.
Institutional planning is a broader concept and practice, quite apparent in present days’ affairs. It is a visible practice at the micro as well as macro level.
Institutional planning is a broader concept and practice, quite apparent in present days’ affairs. It is a visible practice at the micro as well as macro level.
As a family makes its own plan to deal with various affairs, other private and public institutions and agencies do their planning according to their respective visions and availability of resources at their end and from other possible sources.
‘Education’ is one of the vital subjects of the State where the latter has well-organized departments and wider institutional arrangements.
In the case of the educational institution, it is about:
‘Education’ is one of the vital subjects of the State where the latter has well-organized departments and wider institutional arrangements.
In the case of the educational institution, it is about:
- Planning about the course (what, when, and how)
- Planning for infrastructure (material and non-material)
- Students discipline and welfare (sports, events, and medical facilities)
- Campus social and physical environment
- Teachers’ growth
- Research
- Extension
- Public relation (PTA, Resource personnel, etc.)
- Political affiliation
Planning about the course (what, when, where, and how)
- Planning of the course to be pursued is a must on the part of an educational institution. While planning about the course the institution guides itself with its visions and objectives.
- As an institution is the creation of society it always looks at the larger interest of society which works as a social contract to retain its legitimate existence.
- Therefore, it plans its own course of academic actions suited to the situation and demands. In other terms the course it prescribes accord to the needs and demands of society.
- If it does not care about the very interest of society in the short and long run then there can be a threat to its foundation and the earned credentials.
- However, the best-designed course is not enough, it further requires continuous engagement in its planning and execution along with the assessment of its own position and people demands.
- In this context, the academic time, place, and nature of execution, and support systems such as teaching-learning materials have to be given due importance.
- So, the institution gives due weightage to these features while doing plan as a part of its undistinguished institutional planning.
- As a part of its planning, an institution keeps stipulated time (academic session) in which the prescribed amount of academic work is undertaken in different modes.
- Further to make the institutional movements easier and smoother its devices mechanisms such as the development of time-table, academic calendar, the arrangement of teaching-learning materials, and so on.
Planning of Infrastructure
First of all, it is essential to understand that, what is infrastructure in teaching and learning institutions?
It is that support and arrangement which facilitates teaching and learning. Planning of infrastructure has two major dimensions such as material and non-material.
The material constitutes a classroom, reading room, computer lab, internet facilities, books, library, garden, sports complex, medical facilities, toilet, etc.
Non-material constitutes teaching and non-teaching staff. It also constitutes guests’ lectures, colloquium, seminar, conference, conference, workshop, etc.
Here planning deals with how these materials and non-materials need to be met. How the procured materials and human resources to be utilized so as teaching and learning could take place at maximum and which eventually helps an institution to continue there.
First of all, it is essential to understand that, what is infrastructure in teaching and learning institutions?
It is that support and arrangement which facilitates teaching and learning. Planning of infrastructure has two major dimensions such as material and non-material.
The material constitutes a classroom, reading room, computer lab, internet facilities, books, library, garden, sports complex, medical facilities, toilet, etc.
Non-material constitutes teaching and non-teaching staff. It also constitutes guests’ lectures, colloquium, seminar, conference, conference, workshop, etc.
Here planning deals with how these materials and non-materials need to be met. How the procured materials and human resources to be utilized so as teaching and learning could take place at maximum and which eventually helps an institution to continue there.
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