Economics Lesson Plan on Bank and Banking System

Economics Lesson Plan on Bank and Banking System

This is the real teaching micro Lesson Plan of economics for teachers and B.Ed students on Banking topic for high school

  • Duration of the Period: 5 minute
  • Pupil teacher’s name :
  • Class: 11
  • Micro Teaching Skill: Questioning
  • Subject: Economics
  • Topic: Banking

Note: The Economics Lesson Plan given below is just an example. You can change the Name, Class, Course, Date, Duration, etc. according to your needs.

 economics lesson plans

The skill of Questioning Economics Lesson Plan on Bank

Pupil-Teacher Activity
Pupil Activity
What is Bank?

Micro Teaching Skill used - (Relevancy)
A bank is a place where we deposit our money.
format of economics lesson plan for teachers of high school free download pdf on bank

What are the other functions of the bank?

Microteaching component used - (Preciseness)
Deposit of money
Loan etc.
What kind of loans is provided by banks?

b.ed economics lesson plan

( questioning and voice clarity)
Study loan,
Marriage loan,
Business Loan,
Medical Loan etc.
What is interest?

(Developmentary questioning)
When we submit or deposit money we get some rate of interest on the money which we have deposited.

Lesson plan on What is bank for economics teachers

How many types of Accounts are there in the bank?

(voice clarity)
Saving account
Current account
What is economics? Can you define it?

(simplicity in behavior)
Any deed or action related to income and satisfy human is called economics or the study of these activities is called economics.
What is demand? Is there any difference between demand and desire?

Desire is whatever we wish to have or something we want, but don't have sufficient money or income to afford it. And Demand is whatever we wish or want and is affordable with our current income.

Who fulfills our demands?

No response
What is the law? How the Law is necessary for our life?

(level of questioning and introduction)
Law means some rules and regulations, which everyone has to follow.
What is Micro and Macro Economics?

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Micro Economics is the study of single units and macro is the study of groups.
What is the economy?

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It is a system in which man earns his livelihood and satisfies his needs.
What is the law of demand?
No response
What is individual demand?
No response

Observation table or rating scale

Components or skills
Rating Scale
A.     Structure of Question
1.      Relevancy
2.      Clarity
3.      Consciousness/ Preciseness
4.      Specificity
5.      Grammatical correctness
6.      Level of question

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
B.     Asking Questions
1.      Speed of asking questions
2.      Voice clarity
3.      Distribution of question
4.      Simplicity of behavior
5.      Unnecessary repetition of the question

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Further Reference:
learningclassesonline Economics Lesson Plan for B.Ed

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