Physics Lesson Plan on Force for Science Teachers
Brief Overview of the Physics Lesson Plan
- Grade – 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
- Subject – Science (Physics)
- Topic – Force
Note: The Science Lesson Plan given below is just an example. You can change the name, class, course, date, duration, etc. according to your needs.

General Aims –
- To provide the opportunity to develop scientific skills in students.
- To develop the power of thinking and reasoning among them.
- To develop a scientific attitude and observation among the students.
- To develop scientific creativity in the students.
Behavioral Objectives -
- Students will be able to learn about force.
- They will also be acquainted with the types of force.
Teaching Aids –
- General Teaching Aids – Chalk, Chalk Board, Duster, Pointer
- Instructional teaching aids – Chart showing types of force
Previous knowledge assumed –
Students are expected to have knowledge about moving objects.
Previous Knowledge Testing –
In order to test the previous knowledge of the students, the teacher will ask the following questions:
Teacher/ Trainee Teacher Questions | Student’s answers |
What will you do to move or roll a ball?![]() | Force |
What do you understand by the term “Push” and “Pull”? |
What will you apply if you want to lift a heavy box? | Pull apply |
What is a force? | No response |
The announcement of the Topic –
Finding students unable to answer the last question, the teacher/ pupil-teacher will announce the topic by saying, Well Students “today we shall study about Force”.
Presentation –
Now the teacher will present the topic to the students by using an inductive and deductive approach.
Teaching Point | Teacher activity | Student activity | Chalkboard work |
Definition of Force | Question - What is force? (teacher will put a question) Answer – A push or pull acting on a body that tends to change its state of rest or motion is called force. ( after putting question teacher himself will answer the question) | students will listen carefully | |
Direction of Force | Question - What is the direction of force?![]() | The direction in which the body is pulled or pushed is called the direction of a force. | |
Force due to an interaction | Question - How does the force come into play? Answer – the force comes into play when there should be two interacting objects, one on which force is applied and others who applies the force. | ||
types of force | How many types of forces are there? Name them?![]() | Two types 1. Contact force 2. Non-contact force or action at a distance force | 1. Contact force 2. Non-contact force |
Contact Force | What is the contact force? Answer – for an object to be pulled or pushed there should be a contract between the two objects Give examples of contact force. | pulling a box when a called spring is stretched | |
types of contact force | How many types of contact forces are there?![]() | Two types 1. Muscular force 2. Frictional force | 1. Muscular 2. Frictional |
Muscular Force | What is the muscular force? Answer – The force exerted by muscles of the human or animal body. Give examples of muscular force. | Lifting certain objects, walking, running | |
Frictional force | What is the frictional force? Answer – The force acting between two surfaces in contact which opposes the motion of one body over the other. Give examples of frictional force? | Rolling ball stops after some time due to frictional force. | rolling ball stops due to frictional force. |
Non –contact force | What is a non-contact force? Answer – The force which can act even without any actual contact between the two objects is called non-contact force. | Which can act without any actual contact | |
Types of non-contact force | What are the types of non-contact force?![]() | 1. Magnetic force 2. Electrostatic force 3. Gravitational force | · Magnetic · Electrostatic ·Gravitational |
magnetic force | What is the magnetic force? Answer – Force exerted by a magnet. Give examples of the magnetic force? | A magnet attracts nails and pins made from iron | |
electrostatic force | What is the electrostatic force? Answer – the force exerted by the electrified body Give an example of electrostatic force? | A charged scale or comb attracting tiny pieces of paper. | |
gravitational force | what is a gravitational force? Answer – the force of attraction between any two objects possessing mass is called gravitational force? ![]() Give examples of gravitational force? | the ball falls down due to gravitational force. | the force of attraction between any two objects |
Recapitulation –
In order to revise the topic, the teacher or trainee teacher will ask the following questions.
- Define force?
- Name the types of contact and non-contact force.
- What is the standard unit of force?
- Which force attracts nails made up of iron from a distance?
Fill in the blanks
- A pull or push acting on a body is called ______
- SI unit of force is _______
- Non contact force is also called ________
- Contact forces area of ______ forces.
Questions –
- Explain contact forces along with their types.
- Explain non-contact forces along with their types?
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