Macro Teaching Lesson Plan Mathematics
This is the Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics on a very important topic i.e volume of the cylinder for all government and private school teachers. the volume of the cylinder is used to measure the space occupied by cylinder and teaching of this topic starts from class 7 and continues in class 8,9,10.
A cylinder has radius(r) and height (h) and a cylinder can be made by joining the opposite sides of a rectangle and with the help of this formula for the volume of a cylinder, we can also find whether the cylinder is a right circular cylinder or not.
A cylinder has radius(r) and height (h) and a cylinder can be made by joining the opposite sides of a rectangle and with the help of this formula for the volume of a cylinder, we can also find whether the cylinder is a right circular cylinder or not.
Note: The Mathematics Lesson Plan given below is just an example. You can change the Name, Class, Course, Date, Duration, etc. according to your needs.

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