BEd ( Bachelor of Education) 1st Year (Two Year)
Examination – June, 2018 - Question Paper
PEDAGOGY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE - (Paper-4/5) – Teaching of Computer Science
Note: Attempt Five Questions in all. Q.NO .1 is Compulsory .Attempt other four questions selecting One Question from each Unit. All Questions carry Equal Marks.
1. Write Short Notes on the Following :
(a) Computer Viruses
(b) Advantages of Lecture –cum demonstration method
(c) Criteria for selection of computer books
(d) Importance of Pedagogical Analysis
2. Explain the concept of concept of Concept of Science. Discuss the importance of Teaching of Computer at various stages in Indian school.
3. How will you formulate instructional objectives in terms of behavioural outcomes of students?
4. Explain briefly the skill of Probing Question as a Micro-teaching skill.
5. What is Advanced Method of teaching Computer Science ? Explain advantages and disadvantages of Online learning in detail.
6. Discuss in detail the need, importance and steps for prearing a Unit Plan.
7. How will you plan and organise a computer science laboratory at secondary level in your school. ?
8. Explain the meaning and procedure of pedagogical analysis in detail.
9. Explain pedagogical analysis of “Networking”.
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Please install the set of previous years question papers in the form of pdf
ReplyDeleteIn which yr bed in computer sci has been started??
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