B.Ed 2nd Year (Two Year) Examination – June, 2018
B.Ed JUNE 2018 -Question Papers
Time: 1½ Hours Maximum Marks : 40
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each Unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write short note on the following : 4 X 2 = 8
(a) Importance of Health.
(b) Importance of First-Aid.
2. What do you mean by the term Physical Education? Discuss the importance, aims and objectives of teaching Physical education at teachers training institutions. 3+13=16
3. What d you understand by School Health Services? Discuss the various school services. Write the various important functions and needs of school health services. 3+6+7=16
4. What is Yoga? Discuss the scope, functions and aims of Yoga education. 3+13=16
5. What is First-Aid? Enumerate its essential principles. Write down the duties of a trained first-aider. 3+6+7=16
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Inner peace
ReplyDeleteMillions of people yearn to visit serene places and connect with natural beauty. However, they seldom become aware that true peace is found within, by silencing the
whirlwind of thoughts and living in the present moment. Along with meditation, yoga is one of the most effective tools to appease a disturbed mind. In fact, after a
series of body postures, the mind is quieter and prepared for meditation.
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