Yoga for Peace and Harmony
Overview – meaning and Definition of Yoga, Importance or advantages of Yoga, Short notes
on various eight limbs of Yoga, A list of different yoga asans, A short note on
Yoga for peace and harmony in India and International Yoga Day
Meaning and Concept of Yoga: योग का अर्थ
Historically, the term yoga refers to a wide range of
bodily postures that have been transmitted by teachers in India from thousands
of years. Many of these postures or asans have been defined by the Classic
Hatha Yoga. Traditionally “Hatha
Yoga” means a balanced union, a
system for creating the balanced well being of the total person as Yoga joins
the mind, body and spirit into a balanced while”
Definition of Yoga: योग की परिभाषा
Patanjali Definition of Yoga for Peace and
According to
Patanjali (पतंजलि ) , Yoga Is “Checking the impulses of mind”
Importance/Advantages or significance or uses and role of
Yoga for Peace and Harmony:
योग के महत्त्व और विशेषताएं -
योग के महत्त्व और विशेषताएं -
Yoga is a very important tool and plays a very important
role to make the body healthy and free from all diseases. A regular yoga or
exercise makes the person healthy and strong. It is helpful and useful in
making peace and harmony all over the world. Some of the significant advantages
and importance of Yoga is:
One of the important advantages of Yoga is that
it is easy to perform. Anybody can take part in Yoga and can perform according
to their capacity and capabilities.
Yoga can be performed and practiced by everyone
where he or she is child or adult, man or woman, old or young, poor and rich.
There is no reservation in Yoga. It is same for everyone.
Yoga Is very important to make the mind and body
refresh and rejuvenating
One of the specialties of yoga is that it
remains every young with same vigor and vitality.
With the help of Yoga exercises, the stomach of
a person becomes clean, the digestive system becomes regular and constipation
is removed
It is also useful for women also. By performing
Yogic exercises Women or girls become more beautiful and charming in perfect
shape and size.
Yoga is also significant for a person in their
growth and development of intelligence.
Yoga makes the man and women self-control. The person
who performs yoga can control themselves in every difficult situation and cope
with every problem in their life easily.
Yoga has a great importance in destroying the
cause of diseases. By doing regular yoga exercise one can free from almost all
There are many exercises in Yoga which are helpful
to our eye-sight and helps in improving the vision power of a person
What are the eight limbs of Yoga or Astanga Yoga: योग का आठ अंग
योग के सूत्र - अष्टांग योग सूत्र
योग के सूत्र - अष्टांग योग सूत्र
The eight limbs or Astanga of Yoga are:
1. Yama यम
2. Niyama नियम
3. Asana आसन
4. Pranayama प्राणायाम
5. Pratyahaar प्रत्याहार
6. Dharana धारणा
7. Dhyan ध्यान
8. Samadhi समाधि
Yama: Meaning
of Yama in Yoga: यम का अर्थ : It is also called universal moral commandments. Yama means
restraint or abstention. There are five moral practices in Yama.
Ahimsa ( which means non-violence)
Satya ( which means truth)
Asteya ( which means Non-stealing)
Brammacharya ( Which means continence)
Aparigraha ( Which means non-coveting)
Niyama : Meaning
of Niyama in Yoga: नियम का अर्थ : Niyama is also called self purification by discipline.
Niyamas are the physical and mental rule of conduct towards oneself. These
niyamas are
– Saucha (
which means purity)
– Tapas ( Which
means austerity)
– Insavara (
which means Pranidhana)
– Santosh (
which means contentment)
– Swadhaya
Asans: Meaning
of Asans in Yoga : आसन का अर्थ : Ansan means to sit comfortably without any movement for
long in one place.
Meaning of Pranayama: प्राणायाम का अर्थ :Pranayama is a
complete cycle of respiration.
Meaning of Pratyahaar: प्रत्याहार का अर्थ :Pratyahaar is when our sense organs become detached
they settle down in the heart. This situation is called Pratyahaar in Yoga for
peace and harmony.
Meaning of Dhyana in Yoga: ध्यान का अर्थ: Dhyana
means concentration. Dhyana is concentration of the mind on some object.
Meditation: Meaning of Meditation in yoga- When takes the concentration form of medidation the aspirant marches forward continuously
and without any pause towards his goal and becomes inseparable from its arm is
called meditation.
Samadhi: Meaning
of Samadhi in Yoga: समाधि का अर्थ : Samadhi is the hightest attainment in which one’s sould
becomes an integral part of God.
Different Yoga Asanas: योग आसान के प्रकार
There are many different yoga asans or exercise which
makes the person mind sound and healthy. Some of the important Yoga asans or exercises
for peace and harmony are -
1. Sitting Position Asans of Yoga
Padamasana पदमासन
Yogamudra योगमुद्रा
Matsyasana मत्स्यासन
Paschimottanasana पश्चिमोत्तानासन
2. Supine Position Asanas of Yoga:
Halasana हलासन
Sarvangasana सर्वांगसन
3. 3 Prone Position Asans of Yoga:
Bhujangasana भुजंगासना
Salabhasana सलभासन
Dhanurasana धनुरासन
4. Standing Position Asanas of Yoga:
Trikonkasana त्रिकोणासन
A short note on the Yoga for peace and harmony and
international yoga day (अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस )
Yoga for Peace and
Yoga for Peace and Harmony is the slogan of first ever
international Yoga Day which has been celebrated in huge scale across India and
other parts of the world.
Now June 21, has been marked as the International Yoga Day
which was driven by the current Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi, who
himself is a regular Yoga Practioner.
It is believed that Yoga and meditation brings positive
changes in our body and. Yoga and meditation makes our body fit and mind
refreshed which is full of positive energy and help in bringing people all over
the world together
This article is all about the whole concept of yoga. How Yoga is useful in
every walk of life and its importance in India. In India Baba Ramdev has played
a great role in spreading Yoga all over India and in worldwide also. Now there
is a day i.e 21 June has been declared as the international yoga day. There are
various poses and asans of yoga which makes the body and mind of a person
strong. Yoga spread peace and harmony all over the world.
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Your article was very good. We hope that if someone adopts this law of yoga, then his life will be successful.
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