Overview – Concept of Window 7 , Features of Windows 7, Windows 7 desktop, functions and new features of window 7
this is the free tutorial guide for windows 7. With the help of this tutorial to window 7 you will be able to learn and work with windows 7 easily ( विंडो 7 ( ७ )पर कैसा काम करे )
An introduction to Windows 7
overview to Windows 7 – Windows 7 is an operating system which is specifically designed
to meet the needs of both business and personal users. Windows 7 was released
to manufacturing on July 22, 2009 and general retail available on October 22,
or Characteristics of Windows 7: विंडो 7 की विशेषताएं
are different features or characteristics of Windows operating system that
increase the efficiency and productivity of user. Some important features or characteristics
of Windows 7 are given below:
Working with
Windows 7 provides many ways to manage files stored on our computer. We can
open, rename, print, delete, move and search for files.
Working with
Windows 7 provides many ways to work with images. We can create our own
pictures. We can import images from scanner, digital camera or download images
from Internet.
Playing Music: Windows 7
allows us to play music CDs, watch DVD movies and also helps us to find the
latest music and movies on the Internet.
Access the
Windows 7 allows our computer to connect to the Internet and browse the World
Wide Web. We can search for Web pages of interest. It also allows us to
exchange electronic mail with people around the world.
7 Desktop ( डेस्कटॉप )
The basic
Elements (तत्व) of Windows 7 are:
Desktop icons: An icon on
the desktop represents a program or Windows 7 feature. A program we install
often adds its own icon on the desktop.
Mouse Pointer: When we move
our mouse, this pointer on the screen moves along with it.
Time and Date: It displays
the current date and time on our computer.
This area displays small icons that notify us about things that are happening
on our computer.
Taskbar: The programs
we have appeared in the taskbar. We can use this area to switch between programs
if we have more than one programs running at a time.
Taskbar Icons: We use these
icons to launch some Windows 7 features with just a mouse click.
Start Button: We use this
button to start programs and launch many of Windows 7’s features.
Start Menu: Start menu
lists all the installed programs in the computer.
START MENU (स्टार्ट मेन्यू ) of Window 7 :
Start menu has a list of options that link to all the programs installed on our
computer, as well as to all the tasks we can carry out with Windows 7. We open
the Start menu by clicking the start button at the left end of the taskbar. The
menu looks similar to the Microsoft Windows XP versions, but its functionality
has been streamlined.
/ Significance or advantages of Windows 7 ( विंडो 7 के कार्य )
7 will do the following functions for our computer to work:
1. It coordinates
interactions among hardware components, such that receiving input from the
keyboard and mouse, displaying output on the monitor, and locating programs and
files on the hard disk.
2. It acts as an
interface between us and our computer, so that we can work in a visual way by
clicking items on the screen instead of typing precise sequence of commands.
3. It enables our
computer to communicate with other computers and peripherals devices such as
printers, scanners and modems.
4. It interacts
with programs installed on our computer.
features in Windows 7 ( विंडो 7 की नयी विशेषताएं )
7 includes a number of new features such
as advances in ouch and handwriting recognition, support for virtual hard disk,
improved performances on multi-core processors, improved boot performance,
direct access, kernel improvements etc. Some of the new features of Windows 7 are given below:
AERO: The new
hardware-based graphical user interface, named Aero is available in the Home
Premium, Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise editions of Windows 7. It mixes
cool graphics with useful new ways to manage our desktop.
Taskbar टास्कबार : The Windows
taskbar has seen its most significant revision since its introduction in
Windows 95. The taskbar is 10 pixels taller than in Windows Vista to
accommodate touch screen input and a new large default icon size; through a
smaller taskbar size is available.
SNAP: The SNAP features
in Windows 7 resize and arranges windows by simply dragging their borders to
the edges our screen. It is a quick way to resize
open windows, simply by dragging them to the edges of our screen.
PINNING: Pinning is a
great way to add shortcuts to our most often used programs in Windows 7. We can
pin items to the Taskbar, at the bottom of the screen, or to the Start menu. That
saves a lot of clicks and makes us more efficient.
JUMP LIST: Jump List is
a menu options available from right clicking any of the icons on the taskbar or
by holding the left mouse button and sliding up on an icon. For example, a
Windows Media Player jump list might display all the recent media played.
significantly faster and more through search capabilities. Search boxes have
been added to the search menu.
In Windows 7, if we take our mouse pointer over a program icon on the taskbar,
we can see actual images of all of our open files and images.
INTERNET EXPLORER: It has new user interface, tabbed browsing, a search box,
improved printing, Page zoom, Quick Tabs, Anti-phishing filter, a number of new
security protection features and improved
facility gives users the ability to schedule periodic backups of files on their
computer, as well as recovery from previous backups.
It is fully integrated into Windows 7.
PAINT पेंट : Paint has new
features such as strip across the top of the window that make the program
easier to use, with choices displayed out in the open rather than in menus.
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